Policy & Resources Committee

Agenda Item 75(d) (i)


Subject:                    Council Fees and Charges


Date of meeting:    1 December 2022


Proposer:                 Councillor Allbrooke

Seconder:                Councillor Hugh Jones


Ward(s) affected:   All



Notice of Motion


Conservative Group



This committee:


1)    Recognises the financial strain that many residents are currently experiencing due to decisions of the Government including the impact of the mini budget on mortgage interest rates which affects home-owners and renters alike;




2)    Notes that Council Fees and Charges in many cases contribute to this strain. due to 12 years of cuts, which have led to all councils having to explore additional revenue streams. In Brighton and Hove this is to replace over £100m of revenue support grant lost since 2010 ;


3)      Further notes that the Council’s Fees and Charges have risen excessively compared to surrounding local authorities similarly to comparator local authorities due to the financial strain all local authorities are facing after the impact of Government cuts and financial decisions referred to at 1) and 2) above; and



4)    Calls onNotes that Officers to highlight the Fees and Charges which and how they compare unfavourably with those of surrounding comparator authorities in their reports so that this information can be considered by Committees when setting future Fees & Charges.


Supporting Information:






If carried would read:


1)   Recognises the financial strain that many residents are currently experiencing due to decisions of the Government including the impact of the mini budget on mortgage interest rates which affects home-owners and renters alike;


2)    Notes that Council Fees and Charges in many cases contribute to this strain. due to 12 years of cuts, which have led to all councils having to explore additional revenue streams. In Brighton and Hove this is to replace over £100m of revenue support grant lost since 2010 ;


3)   Further notes that the Council’s Fees and Charges have risen similarly to comparator local authorities due to the financial strain all local authorities are facing after the impact of Government cuts and financial decisions referred to at 1) and 2) above; and


4)   Notes that Officers to highlight the Fees and Charges and how they compare with those of comparator authorities in their reports so that this information can be considered by Committees when setting future Fees & Charges.